At Boys’ Brigade, we are commited to the safety of every child that participates in our programs.
To ensure the safety of all children, we do the following:
All leaders are required to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC) prior to becoming a registered leader of Boys’ Brigade.

At the local (group level) all leaders and helpers are selected, appointed and supervised by the local church or organisation in accordance with the procedures adopted by that church or organisation. Each church may have varying conditions to be appointed a leader, due to the Boys’ Brigade leader also being a leader within that church.
BBNSW can therefore only register leaders on the advice and approval of said church or organisation, but also requires leaders to complete our ‘Safe Enviroments’ course, which trains our leaders to create an eviroment for young people to feel safe from all types of harm, and gives leaders the tools to respond appropriatley and with great care to issues that breach Boys’ Brigade Australia’s Child Protection Policy.
BBNSW has a thorough process of handling any accusations of misconduct, in whatever space they are in.
If you know of any breaches to Boys’ Brigade Australia’s Child Safety Policy, or want to raise any issue related to child safety, please email
All correspondence will be treated in confidence.